Welcome to the 2011 Strategic Innovation MGT 449 Class at Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management. We'll use this mechanism for discussions, trading ideas, and for practice in putting our ideas out there. Keep in mind that this is a PUBLIC blog, that everyone can see what you post, and that the internet never forgets. Aside from that, have at it!!


  1. looks as though I might be pouring paint into my cereal

  2. I thought something similar, seems like a gasoline container. Probably would buy it to use the container for other things

  3. Here is an interesting (short) comparison on the two jugs.


    Costco used to have the rectangular shaped jugs (not sure if they do anymore). They were awful, I think I ended up pouring more milk outside of my glass than into it...

  4. Yeah I agree Caleb. I bought them a few times from Costco and they were absolutely awful. The only worse ones for me at the yellow Purity containers. It is like some of those examples from the first class. We are so accustomed to what a gallon of milk should be and it is extremely hard to get the consumer to accept anything else since this product is so ingrained into us.
